Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Over the next five weeks, we'll be watching all five of the documentaries nominated for Best Feature Documentary at the Academy Awards. We'll start with Sicko by Michael Moore - this Friday, 8PM at our place.

The other nominated documentaries are:
Why Demoncracy? Taxi to the Dark Side
No End in Sight
Operation Homecoming

Hope to see you out!

1 comment:

Derek Eidse said...

I found Sicko very entertaining, and I think that, as activism, it is really brilliant. As a documentary I found it less brilliant. Most of us have come to expect Moore's stagings and emotional 'heart-tugs', but I think, that underlying the obvious 'constructions' and exagerations - the message he's trying to get across does come through, and it's glaringly obvious that the U.S. health care system needs a complete overhaul.